Monday, July 21, 2008

The end of the Russell Cup/ more photos to come

This was the end of the tournament between Veteran's Memorial Golf course and the Country Club and the Country Club won this year.
Thought ya'll would be interested in seeing a photo of your old orthodontist! Gregg Fink golfed a few days for the Country Club and was there to observe on the last day.

Rob and his opponent, Bill Boggs (used to teach at Pioneer Middle School and coach baseball) were even after the last hole. It was a hard fought battle.

At one point Rob wasn't very happy at how he was playing and opted to walk so I took over his cart. This is a shot of Rob and Kent driving beside him.

This was Rob's tee shot; into the trees, but he hit the green from this spot. It's not the first time for Rob to be in the trees.

Just a shot with the harvested wheat fields in the background.


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

I am way to un-hand/eye coordinated to even attempt golf!