Monday, July 28, 2008

A Sunflower among all of the weeds and brush

I have started a gratitude journal and every evening before going to sleep I think of at least 3-5 things that I have been grateful for during the day. There have only been one or 2 days that I've written down only one thing but most days I can think of several. This morning the first thing I saw when I looked out the kitchen window was this sunflower growing amidst all the weeds still left in the backyard where the huge blue spruce had once stood before the big windstorm last January. I am certainly grateful for that sunflower; it teaches me that even when things aren't always great in my life that I can find at least 1 great thing to be grateful for.

This one small sunflower will be the number 1 thing in my gratitude journal this evening and I can even think of several more for today as well.

This garbage disposal was on my list last week. Dad installed it but we had been without one for about 2 weeks. I love this disposal!*S*


Sandi said...

I think it is great that you are doing a grateful journal. It really does help change your perspective on life.